Project Description
The concert of Artur Dutkiewicz and Janusz Prusinowski Trio (now Kompania) is a unique, vibrant combination of modern jazz and traditional Polish music. Improvisation remains the center of this performance – jazz and folk merge into a trance-like musical unity. This event is an encounter of two musical worlds – the world of jazz represented by Artur Dutkiewicz, and the world of folk represented by Janusz Prusinowski Kapela. In effect, a new kind of music is born: thoroughly Polish, thanks to the roots of tradition, yet also global due to the universal language of modern jazz.
Dutkiewicz is one of the most prominent Polish jazz pianists, awarded in many national competitions (Kalisz, Katowice, Wrocław). He is also a finalist of the Thelonious Monk Competition in Washington. In 1988, he performed at the MIDEM in Cannes as the first Polish jazz musician. The list of his concert collaborators includes the big names of jazz and blues such as: Tomasz Szukalski, Urszula Dudziak, Grażyna Auguścik, Deborah Brown, Lora Szafran, Michelle Hendrics, Carlos Johnson, Tadeusz Nalepa, Zbigniew Namysłowski, Jan Ptaszyn Wróblewski, Jorgos Skolias.
Artur Dutkiewicz and Janusz Prusinowski Trio „Mazurki”
Warsaw / Polish Radio Studio
- Warszawa, 5.04.2010 Festiwal “Wszystkie Mazurki Swiata” fot. Artur Chmielewski
“It was the Polish take on world music, full of the proverbial Slavic bravado. The impressive solo vocal part of Janusz Prusinowski evoked a lyrical mood. The subsequent the stanzas of a folk song were interwoven with piano improvisations. It was a deeply moving part of the show, greeted with a burst of applause.”
Marek Dusza, Rzeczpospolita 2012
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