Project Description

Musician at “Janusz Prusinowski Kompania”; singer at “Monodia Polska”; Adam Strug’s associate; co-inventor of the “Wszystkie Mazurki Świata” [Mazurkas of the World] festival and originator of the Instrument Fair at the same festival; enthusiast for and co-creator of folk music; actor and co-composer at the “Studium Teatralne” theater from 1996 to 2007; actor and co-author of performances at the “Słuchaj Uchem” [Play by Ear] theater; Initiator of events and activities to promote Polish traditional music at the Womex fair since 2012; Project coordinator for “Polska Muzyka Tradycyjna w Turcji 2014” [Polish Traditional music in Turkey 2014]; Artistic director for and author of
Avid dancer, reveller, bon vivant;
Sociologist by education; privately, companion in Dorota’s quests and peregrinations and father to three adolescent citizens.